
Famous Russian Piano-Schooling System fascinates piano students worldwide again and again. Besides, many piano music admirers become assured that the musical event the Russian artists might participate in, nearly MUST represent a truly higher artistic quality.


 As well the piano teachers who even very little, sometimes, somewhere… – still have been learned by the Russians, become likely more trustful for the students.


Quite a strange fact: very few musicians are able to take into consideration that each one Russian pianist truly CANNOT represent equally high artistic level as represent the Great Russian Masters of the piano, and consequently it is not truth that any Russian or in Russia educated piano tutor is able to work in equally high professional way. 


One ought to be sure as well that any sole & one, homogenous Russian Piano School really does NOT exist; that fact should be apparent to us all. On the other hand, factually many great individualities have appeared in the piano field in Russia, putting ultimate touches on development of the piano art NOT only in their homeland, particularly – in the first half of the 20th Century.
